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Fecha de registro: 13 may 2022


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VMix HD Pro Portable.torrent.html




?? are you confusing virtualbox with VMs? if you want a vbox iso, use a vbox iso yeah that's the method OerHeks referred to daftykins: was this.deb install from the package manager? What is the file that contains my network settings Bray90820, the same but with a different name, man resolv.conf TJ-: it was using the binary Bray90820: /etc/network/interfaces Thank you Is there a command to set network properties in a text file Something like the guide says Bray90820: can't you just use network manager? Bray90820: you can write a script to do it (network-manager-config-wizard) ducasse: I am using weechat see the network manager weechat plugin Bray90820: network manager can do both settings, and also manage them (reload/connect) you could use netplan instead networkmanager can be configured to use a CLI config file, which is a good way to do it, but networkmanager does it so well that if you change it once, you might not want to change it back TJ-: I am using weechat Bray90820: I don't use weechat, but that's the way I'd do it. You can use nmcli -d [DEVICE_NAME] to do it directly ducasse: If I need to I will but it would be nice to have a way to script setting network properties network manager is a standard interface to multiple network config systems, and the one everyone uses on linux. Bray90820



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